Thursday, July 18, 2013

The Importance of Shade in Hot Weather

Something That Casts Shade Can Be Vital

 When you think of it refrigeration cooling became popular during the 1950's when equipment could be sized to cool a house.  Even today, not all houses are air conditioned.  So even with large scale housing, some cooling effect can be made with plantings of trees near the houses.  By casting shadows on the houses, intake air temps are reduced and could mean the difference between life and death for a flock in high temp summer heat.

With smaller flocks, shade is a logical choice to cool the flock as it is cost effective and simple to set up.  a 4x8 sheet of plywood on sawhorses can offer ranging birds a place to get away from the radiational heating of direct sun.

If trees are not applicable, considering awnings and other roof extensions that will shade the inlets to the house.  Each of these structural changes will enhance cooling without undue higher cost.