Tuesday, July 26, 2022

The Boomerang Effect


Staying Ahead of the Curve

After a spring of dealing with HPAI in the US, many states are returning to normal operations.  While this may seem logical, a new sense of  wonder is starting to be discussed.  What is it going to be like in the fall when waterfowl will be returning on their migration south?

 The answer is "it all depends"...  Farms that have prepared for high levels of biosecurity in the fall should weather the storm ahead.  Take the time to look at the farm and tighten up those loose ends that could help reduce HPAI exposure.  This would include setting exclusion lines over rain retention ponds and wastewater lagoons to prevent waterfowl from landing.  Continue to check and repair netting in rafters and inlets to reduce any access by wild birds into the house.  Mow grass near the housing to prevent rodents from getting too close.  And, fix leaky feed bin boots that spill feed drawing wild birds to a house.

Review your Farm Biosecurity plans for people and vehicle movement onto the farm.  This could include building a package drop hut at the farm lane or a danish entry point in the entrance to a poultry house.  Adding on now while it is warm is better than building in the middle of winter.  By keeping ahead of migration you may be able to bypass any major disease from coming onto your farm.

Monday, May 9, 2022

Keeping your eye on the ball

It is important to stay ahead of the curve

2022 Looks to be a challenging year for poultry producers worldwide.  High Path avian flu has hit North America and has challenged producers and backyard enthusiasts alike.  Millions of birds were lost and hundreds if not thousands of lives of those working with poultry have been affected.  As with COVID in humans, a quick response to hold outbreaks of HPAI in the US at bay will depend on both sheer luck and everyone's attention to detail as it pertains to biosecurity.

 Biosecurity is more an attitude than a practice.  The principles have been explained by many, but it takes all doing their part to make it happen.  Make each poultry farm a compartmentalized entity while the migration is still being undertaken and hopefully we will come out of this year with more birds alive than dead.  Small efforts have big results.  Be sure to have a biosecurity plan made for your farm.  Be ahead of the curve.  (photo:collegian.psu.edu)