Friday, August 2, 2019

Drying out as part of good IPM

Pay now or pay later

photo: chore time
One of the key cultural methods of controlling flies on the farm is the use of ventilation to help dry manure and bedding.  Manure that is in the 55-65% moisture range can become a harborage for several species of flies seen on the farm.  These in turn then may prove an issue with your animals.  Spots around drinkers / troughs and alleyways need to be kept as dry as possible and fans positioned to help dry manure in these key spots may be in order.  The amount of money spent on electricity is usually lower than what we see spent on insecticides.  So, by managing the water on a farm you can help control flies on the farm.

Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Working with Birds in Cold Weather

Keep an eye out for ICE

As much of the nation is feeling cold, careful attention should be made to protect all animals that may be exposed.  With poultry, this means that feet, combs and wattles of birds are sensitive to cold and can become frostbitten.  When this occurs, the tissue will die and fall away.  I commercial settings inlets must be properly adjusted so that air shoots towards the warm part of the room to temper and not directly on the birds.  In smaller settings, a heat lamp in the corner should be able to provide relief to birds who will adjust their temp by moving closer to the heat source.  These lamps should be hung by a metallic method such as cable or chain.  Avoid using rope to prevent failure and a bedding fire.  Fluffed long straw and hay can also offer a buffer to the cold in chicken coops and barns.  Be sure that water remains liquid to keep the birds properly hydrated.  Any water restriction during the day will restrict feed intake, so water needs to remain free-flowing.