Friday, May 31, 2024

Not Out of the Woods Yet

 HPAI is a summer threat now; data is backing this up

Photo by Negative Space from Freerange Stock


For most diseases, dry hot weather helps suppress the incidence seen in the field.  Fall and spring wild bird migration has shown patterns that depress outbreaks in summer as seen in the reports from USDA.  However, this year with the jump to cattle, continuing cases in poultry and resulting infection in humans we have to assume that HPAI is now part of the environmental background, and all who care for poultry need to pay heed and practice good biosecurity year-round.  Feet and Hands are the areas we need to pay attention to as this is the most common way of passing things forward (Fomites).  Washable footwear and designated clothing for the farm/house will go a long way to help keep virus out of the house.  It is the little things that add up to big results when dealing with disease.  Do your part to keep you and your neighbors safe.

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