Thursday, October 8, 2009

To Compost Well - prepare and observe

When composting mortality having the right conditions will ensure a good result. Remember to start with a good base of carbon bearing materials in the bottom of the bin. Wet birds to help hasten the process and then cover completely to keep other animals out of the composter. Monitor composting using a composting thermometer in order to tell when compost needs further attention or to pull and spread. For best results compost at 45-50% moisture with temps over 110o F.

Be sure to have adequate materials at hand to compost, so to be at the ready for when its necessary to handle mortality on the farm.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Fact Checking in Poultry Production

You may see commercials in the media stating one thing or another regarding their birds. While factually true, it does cast doubts about their competitors. What consumers should know is that the food laws in the US prohibit antibiotic residues in poultry. Birds need to be in good health prior to processing and are checked at the plant prior to processing. You are more likely to come in contact with antibiotics through direct contact (prescriptions, topical ointments / preparations) Than through your food.

Fall Manure Spreading is soon here

Hey! Watch where you put that!

With fall harvest comes fall spreading of poultry manure before cover crops or winter fallow of fields. Poultry farmers and manure haulers need to look at these loads as far as their house fly status to determine if further actions are needed. Heavy fly infested manure should be piled and covered for 14 days in order to kill any further fly larvae. By paying attention to these simple steps, fly levels on the farm can be kept to a minimum.