Showing posts with label Welfare. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Welfare. Show all posts

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Feeding and Watering Adjustment for Success
Source: Plasson, inc.
You are What You Eat

With the rising heat and feed costs we look at every way to help conserve feed.  Feed and water waste should be avoided as any spilled feed is an open invitation to pests coming in for a meal.  Darkling beetles and other pests feed off of spilled feed and water spots in bedding before breeding and destroying a wooden structure.

The birds we use for food do not have valves in their esophagus as humans, so they need to tip up their heads as they drink and eat.  Positioning feeder and drinker levels to be at or just above where the neck meets the body is a preferred feeding method.  Be sure that bell-type drinkers are adequately weighted in their ballasts to prevent spillage.  Use a waterer location rotation program with these hanging drinkers to help eliminate wet spots in the litter.
Source: Ziggity, Inc.
 Nipple drinkers should be positioned and adjusted so that birds can reach up to drink.  By doing so, the birds can drink naturally with the water flowing down their throats and without the need for moving with their mouths full of water.  Leveling the system as you move through the house is important to help eliminate and air blockages and "weeping" drinkers.

Fount type drinkers that sit on the floor can be raised using blocks and other supports to help raise the equipment to the proper feeding level.  Having the equipment adjusted as the bird ages ensures that feed and water are properly being delivered.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Making Molehills out of Mountains

Be reasonable – Do it my way

It is now becoming all too common now in the country. Someone telling you that you can’t grow food in the way you were most accustomed to. Noise, Odors, Zoning and animal welfare issues are now restricting some producers from producing local food that’s cheaper for all of us. Farmers do need to step forward and explain what they are doing with their neighbors so they will once again be “one with nature”. They will also need to police themselves against bad actors in the field that are not working towards the goal of using the best management to produce good economical food for all of us. Best management practices (bmp’s) are good for all of us. We need to be shining examples for all around us. They are watcing!

One group that I have discovered recently was The Good Egg Project. This included video segments with the farmers explaining different aspects of the production cycle.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Aftermath of Proposition 2 in California

For those who are maintaining flocks in California, Prop 2 will certainly create some confusion as to how they will continue to produce eggs in an efficient way. The Poultry Science Association ( went on record stating that there is no scientific evidence that current production practices are detrimental to poultry flocks. Other studies have determined that due to this passage major losses in farm revenues will be seen as production leaves the state.

IMHO I think that cooler heads need to prevail. Nobody I know who cares for these animals wishes to see animals abused. It is a fact that farm animals that are stressed in any way are very unproductive. So, it is in the interest of producers no matter which system of production used to do the best job possible.