Thursday, May 12, 2016

Check Watering and Feeding Equipment as Your Birds Age

How you make a presentation counts

The birds we commonly use for meat and eggs do not have valves in their throats as we do.  Because of this, chickens, ducks and turkeys (to name a few) have to swallow food and water upright or throw the food to the back of the throat in a jerking motion like a woodpecker at a log.  To aid in feed conversion and water spillage, positon trough waterers and feeders lip height at the base of the bird’s neck or slightly higher so that the bird doesn’t waste feed and water standing up.

Nipple drinkers are a special case.  They should be set at the eye of the bird so that the birds jaw is below the level of the pin of the nipple drinker.  This will aid in controlling water spillage from this type of watering system.  Bell type watering systems should be adequately weighted to keep from swinging too much.

Feeders should no more that 1/3 full, and placed with the lip of the feeder even with the base of the neck of the bird.  If using a trough raise the feeder on blocks or similar structure to bring the food up to make it easier for the birds to eat.  Pasture should be long enough for the birds to easily pull on young blades of forage. 

Monday, December 28, 2015

Looking to the future by looking at our past...

'Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.' 
George Santayana 
source: USDA

It has been quite a year.  I am reminded of the fact that many of our current trends of systems for producing eggs are directly tied to production systems developed prior to the First World War.  Many of the problems that we saw in those times are being experienced now by producers.  In order to feed nine billion people by the middle of the century, we will need to develop improvements in all poultry production systems to become more efficient.  Nutrition, genetics, housing, healthcare and flock management should all be reviewed and improved upon where needed in order to make the production of food as efficient as possible.  This will need to take some investment and some support by producers and consumers alike if we are to be successful.  Time will tell.

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Making the Margin

Knowing where you are at will help you know where you are going....
 Many folks question me regarding commercial poultry production and its true sustainability.  Many of the farms I work with are family owned yet have grown over the course of 60-100 years of operation.  At the same time I work with folks with smaller flocks, who sell directly to their customers.  In each case for me to be economically sustainable is where a farm pushes past break-even for a sustained period of time.  Enough so to reach the goals of the farm.  So, each farm can make it if they: 1) understand their cost structures 2) prices their products properly for the market they are trying for, and 3) never invests more than what they are getting out of the system unless they wish to.  This point of diminishing return (MR=MC) at times hurts many farms regardless of size.  So, by buying inputs in bulk, trucking only with full loads, and moving high volumes of product works for some.  Keeping costs to a minimum, producing a product that will sell in certain markets works with others.  Each system fulfills the needs of the market, and brings a return to the farm.  Whichever system employed, it takes keeping great production & financial records to know where you are at all times.  And in a highly diversified market each system is needed to fulfill the demand of their customers.

Monday, June 22, 2015

Keeping it Clean

The C is more important than the D

When we speak of biosecurity, many folks immediately jump to disinfectants, application methods, and types of surfaces you have to C&D (clean and disinfect).  But if a surface is not clean first, there is no hope of disinfecting well, especially if the surface is really dirty.  To make your disinfectant work better, be sure to clean the item you are trying to disinfect. 
Dry clean and then wash in soap and water if possible.  The soap and scrubbing action will remove many of the germs that you wish to kill.  With a clean surface any remaining germs will be killed with the proper disinfectant.  So if I have to choose, I would pick hot water and soap over just a disinfectant on a very dirty boot.  Contact time and scrubbing will help with removing dirt from most surfaces.  I carry liquid soap, water and a shallow pan in order to wash my rubber boots from my car every time a make a visit to a poultry farm.  I always follow up with a spray of disinfectant to finish the job.  When washing hands, scrub with soap and water then use a gel to sanitize.

Thursday, May 14, 2015

Make it FIT: Using Personal Protective Equipment

Proper use is needed to protect YOU
All poultry workers who work in hazardous areas should consider using Personal Protective Equipment (PPE).  PPE that is not properly sized or tested on the individual prior to entering a hazardous area could jeopardize the health and safety of that worker.  Consider "FIT" testing all equipment prior to entering the hazard zone.  Respirators need to be sized for the face used.  Equipment that is too small or large could pose a leak hazard.  Clean shaven faces will provide the best seal for respiratory protective equipment.  Disposable respirators may have a limit on time of use.  Consult manufacture and OSHA guidance toward use of these pieces of equipment.
Source: Moldex

When deciding of disposable clothing, consider upsizing to a larger size to ensure freedom of movement.  Trimming or rolling sleeves and pant legs will assist smaller persons in fitting into their equipment.  Consider using a "Valet" to assist in donning PPE that may need to be taped down around gloves, boots or other equipment.  Choose garments for the type of protection you need, considering that comfort may be compromised in high level protective clothing. 

Consider using layers, especially with gloves to provide protection from tearing or ripping. A protective glove against abrasion may cover a rubber glove that protects against biological hazards.  Be sure to size gloves to prevent cramping or tears.  Test wear gloves by tying around your wrist to see if you are allergic to latex, and consider other materials should you develop skin irritation.  Disposable footwear may tear in certain poultry environments.  Consider washable footwear that can take these irregular surfaces.

Hard hats and bump hats should be worn in areas where falling objects are possible, as well as moving equipment or objects in line of travel of the head.  These hats should be adjusted so that momentary stooping will not cause the hat to fall off.  Check suspension systems in the hat for proper operation.

Eye protection needs to be robust enough for the perceived hazards.  Flying objects such as grinder slag or wood chips in a mill may require full face protection in addition to protection surrounding the eye.  Consider eye protective equipment with seals for areas of high contamination.

PPE does not require a huge outlay to protect, so long as the chosen equipment is the right type for the job and is properly fitted.  Be safe, and check before donning.

Monday, April 27, 2015

Vectors and Fomites keeping - both at bay

What you carry is important - Keep It Clean

Source: Wikipedia
When we think of biosecurity on poultry farms we mostly think of live animals that could transmit a disease to our flocks.  These are "Vectors" that are carriers of different diseases that may not affect them but could bring losses to your farm.  Wild birds, rodents and wild mammals can harbor or transmit diseases to birds.  It is also the reason most poultry farms are single species so that chickens will not spread diseases to turkeys, and ducks to pretty much the other two.

A "Fomite" on the other hand is a inanimate object that can also transfer diseases mechanically.  Shoes and boots, tools and other equipment moved from house to house also needs to be cleaned and disinfected in order to keep infections to a minimum.  Even flies by the nature of their travels are considered fomites as the move from manure to bird.  These too should be limited on the farm as much as possible.

To to control the first thing to do is to clean the object of any obvious dirt, grime and manure.  Secondly, use a good disinfectant to reduce further any lingering viruses and bacteria remaining on the clean object.  A log sheet should be kept for farm
equipment that is loaned out to other farms or is rented to keep a trail of exposure to a minimum.  And a local car wash is a farmers friend as trucks move from farm to farm.  By staying on top of this task, you help reduce your chance of an exposure to disease.